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NEWS LETTER PAGE 1 Commander                                   Seth Culver Auxiliary President_____________________  ____Anita Hibbard__

Greetings friends, in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I hope you all are doing well. Mike, Primo and myself taught fifth graders at Providence Christian school history of the American flag,

how to fold it, raise and lower it and care for it. The fifth grade class is responsible for putting the flag up in the morning and taking it down in the afternoon. These students are well-behaved, eager to learn and are patriotic! Some shook our hands and thanked us for our service. I hope you saw the photos that primo posted in the last newsletter. (Jesus said, permit the children to come to me, do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these! Mark 10:14) until next time with Jesus, love and ours for you, Doug and Liz

Sent from my iPhone



Greeting Comrades,

I hope all is well in your world and you are surviving the hot weather of fall.  First and foremost, we are having our annual Oktoberfest on October 12th at the hall.  Come out and bring the family to see what we do and who we are.   Also the Auxiliary and the Post share parking lot duties in support of the races at the fairgrounds.  It is a great way to recruit new members and get a little extra cash.  We can always use extra bodies to come out and help.

We have started Patriots Pen and the Voice of Democracy again for the middle school and high school students.  It is much easier this year because it is all online from the start to finish.  So, if you know an eligible student let them know about it.  We have contacted most of the schools in the county.  We will need judges to read and listen to their submissions, but again it is all done online.

All of the veterans’ organizations in the county are working on creating an Honor Guard rifle team, I have started an email rooster of people willing to be on the list.  If you are interested, please shoot me an email at  seth.culver64@gmail.com and I will add you to it.

 Next month is Veterans Day and the VFW always have the Buddy Poppy drive to support veterans.  We can always use extra help with the fund raisers.  So come on out and show your support.

I am still running into “young veterans” who are not aware of the PACT Act and have not registered in it.  I strongly believe that we need to get as many veterans as possible into this registration process.  Go to https://www.vfw.org/advocacy/pact-act-and-toxic-exposure-information and sign up for it.  Make sure you spread the word around about this important information.

And finally, I am sure the thought of dealing with the VA is a daunting process for anyone new to the government healthcare system, the link below goes to a veteran resource call CalTap.  I am not sure who has heard of the organization, but they offer some great workshops on all sorts of things from the VA to workshops on apprenticeships.  Copy and paste the link below:


Hope to see you all at the next meeting on October 11th at 1800

Seth Culver