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NEWS LETTER PAGE 1 Commander                                   Seth Culver Auxiliary President_____________________  ____Anita Hibbard__

Greetings in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I hope you all are doing well.  Things are good at the Shelstad home. Our granddaughter Kelsey age 12 is in seventh grade at Camerado.  Our grandson Cash age 8 will be back as a third grader at Providence Christian school as well as our granddaughter Lakelyn age 11 as a sixth grader! Our granddaughter Jordyn is a Senior in high school this year! Hard to believe! Anita and Liz parked cars for the races and filled the parking lot. They did really well! Thanks ladies! Important dates to remember in September 2 VJ day Japan signed formal surrender 1945 also Labor Day, the eighth grandparents day, the 10th US Naval Sea Cadet Corps Incorporated 1962,the 11th patriot day and national day of service and remembrance, 14th Star-Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key 1814, ladies auxiliary vfw organized 1914, U.S. Constitution approved 1787 and citizenship day ,18th, US Air Force establish 1947, 20th POW MIA recognition day,20th Vfw day established 1899 also Goldstar Mother’s Day! May God bless America, the greatest Country in the world! (Blessed is the nation, whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance! PSALM 33:12) until next time, with Jesus love and ours for you, Doug and Liz



Greeting Comrades,

I hope everyone is looking forward to fall season because I have certainly had enough of 100 degree days, I just want to get through the day without melting…

I want to invite everyone to the dedication ceremony for the new monument at the Veterans Memorial building on September 11th at 1800.  A local Eagle Scout candidate planned, constructed and painted the monument.  The monument is dedicated to local service members who have died while on duty during OIF/OEF, they did not necessarily die in combat but could have died training accidents or other such incidents.  So mark your calendars.

Also we are still looking to create a Honor Guard Team with all of the other veteran organizations in the county, we often get requests for Honor Guard for funerals or events and everyone scrambles around to fill the need.  This idea will have a roster of people who can fill the need.  If you are interested, please email me at seth.culver64@gmail.com.

We are still patiently waiting for the bar to get finished, the county is making some changes to the overall design, more back to what we originally wanted, so this has delayed our bar even longer.

The El Dorado Veterans Standdown is coming to the Veterans Building parking lot and it would be great to see people out there.  We will have a tent so come by and make yourself known and see all the things we really do (not just sit and whine about things.)  The dates are September 13th and 14, there are going to be a lot good resources and information there, so come on out and check things out.

Take care and come out to the meeting, which is always the 2nd Friday of the month at 1800hrs.

Seth Culver
